Friday, December 25, 2009

Aloha Friday

Aloha Friday a meme hosted on the blog Island Life is a fun meme meant for relaxation. It is a meme where bloggers get together and share an easy question. With Friday being the day of relaxation in Hawaii and it also being Christmas I though I would ask an easy question related to Christmas.
My Question today is: Did you attend a church service last night or read the bible story to your children?
We attended a church service and then came home and ate as a family.


  1. We didn't go to any church services Christmas Eve. We usually have a Christmas Service the Sunday before Christmas, but we didn't make it because we arrived to my parent's home really late the night before.

    We also didn't get a chance to read the Christmas story in the bible this year. We did get a chance to visit with grandparents and family we haven't seen in a long time though.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We attended the Christmas Eve service :)

  4. We're Jewish, so no church here. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.not

  5. Yes.A candlelight service at church!!! It was beautiful!!

  6. No, we didn't attend any Church services. I keep telling myself that we will next year.

  7. The Christmas service at our church was last Sunday. We were not able to attend because my husband is recovering from eye surgery.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post