Thursday, November 19, 2009

What Scent Defines You

When I begin to think about what scent would define me I begin to think about who I am and that is mom. My thought then turns to what scent to me represents mom? Apple Pie Spice is what I would choose to represent me as far as being mom. But I am not only mom I am a feisty person as well and while I am not sure if hot chilli peppers have a scent that is the other scent I would choose. Can you imagine an old fashioned apple pie laced with hot chilli peppers? While I may not want to take the first bite I am sure that the combination would pack a bite. That is my scent what is yours? Twitter Moms and Downy are asking the question where you could win a free bottle of Dawn.

1 comment:

  1. Jasmine and magnolia - separate of course, but those are my two favorites.


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