Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Stork Craft Drop Side Cribs recalled

November 23, 2009 thousands of Stork Craft Drop Side Cribs were recalled. The reason for the recall was because the cribs drop side plastic hardwared can break, deform, or parts can become missing. Other times the drop side may be installed upside down which can also result in broken plastic parts. The resulting problem is that the drop side detaches in one or more corners allowing a space between the drop sde and crib mattress. This space is large enough for infants and toddlers to become entrapped in the space, which can lead to suffocation

Involved in this recall is 2.1 million drop side cribs with 147,000 of these being the stork craft dropside cribs with the fisher price logo. The cribs involved were sold in both the U.S. and Canada. Not involved in this recall are the Stork Craft cribs with manufacturing and distribution dates between January 1993 and October 2009.

If this involves a crib that you have you should immediately stop using the recalled cribs and wait for the repair kit do not attempt to fix the crib without the kit. Contact Stork Craft to receive a free repair kit that converts the dropside on these cribs to a fixed side. For more information visit the website

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