Monday, November 30, 2009

My Most Suprising Gift

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Each year I strive to impress, suprise and show love to those that I love. But I will always remember the gift that most suprised me. My suprise began when I delivered a baby approximately a month early 21 years ago. I was young and scared and was not sure what to do after going in for a regular doctors appointment I was told I would be going to the hospital to have the baby. Wow!!! What a suprise all I thought I would be doing would be going grocery shopping. Having a baby that day was not on the agenda but who was I to argue after all my lil one needed to be born into the world. So approximately 12 hours later I was a mother to a beautiful baby boy. This was November 2, 1988 my little boy was very sick and would stay in the hospital for a very long time. I would end up visiting him for a few hours a day and each day I would hold him and cry when we had to leave. At home we prepared for our little one to come home and went ahead and bought some small Christmas gifts for him. His older sister only 18 months herself could not wait til her baby brother came home. Finally that day came, a suprise for me and his dad when they finally told us that we could take our little bundle of Joy home. Just about a week prior to Christmas. I could not and can not think of a better gift than this. This was my best Christmas gift and what was yours? You could win $100 Target gift card by entering a contest sponsored by TwitterMoms and Target.


  1. My best Christmas present came a week before Christmas. After 2 years of trying and even a surgery to correct problems I had, I found out I was finally pregnant! We waited until Christmas Eve to break the news to family. We wrapped up a package of diapers and gave to my mother-in-law (who had been dropping comments and started to get nasty about it-not knowing I was having fertility problems). It was an amazing Christmas! My happiest ever!! Obviously morning sickness had not kicked in yet. lol!

  2. Wow those are some amazing giveaways! Wouldn't that be an amazing Christmas if you were able to win all of them :)


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