Thursday, November 19, 2009

Leggo My Eggo

CNN has reported a tragedy to the breakfast waffle eaters. It seems that there will be a low supply of Eggo Wafffles. It seems that this will affect our early morning routine of opening the freezer door and popping a couple of waffles into the toaster. CNN reports that Kellogg will be rationing its Eggo products due to flooding and equipment problems at two bakeries. This is not a short fate since the estimated date of the rationing could last through mid 2010. WOW!!!

From the Eggo website you will find this message:
You may have noticed that some of your favorite Eggo® Products are out of stock. We are working hard to get all of our products back into grocers’ freezers as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your continued support.

So until this little fiasco is over waffle eaters like us will have to get them while we can and when we cant wait til they come back

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, this household might not be too happy! I eat my oatmeal, but everyone else love's their EGGO waffles.


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