Monday, November 9, 2009

4 generation picture

January 2008:
one of my favorite pictures 4 generations me, my mom, my daughter and granddaughter and just look at all the blue in the picture


  1. Thats a nice picture! I have 5 gens in my fam and its my fav picture as well!

  2. I recently took a 4 generation photo with my daughter. It is definitely special!

  3. Great picture, it is really great when there is a chance to take a picture like that.

  4. I love those to we have one with 4 generations too.

    Its cherished now grandma is gone so now we have 3 generations til my son makes babies which hopefully won't be for 10-15 yrs. lol He's 20

  5. What a wonderful picture! Happy To Do Tuesday to you! :)

  6. This is so cute. I have a five generation with me as a babe and a five generation with my kids...I cherish and relish these moments.

  7. What a great picture! So nice you could get all the generations in one shot!

  8. That's impressive - it's so rare to get several generations in one photo! :)


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