Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Random Thought Tuesday

randomtuesday src="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb9/superkeely/randomtuesday.jpg" width=200>Well with Halloween coming, fall in the air, business at church and in the community my daughter has started talking about Thanksgiving. I reckon I should say that I am thankful for the family I have but I keep hollering back at my daughter Thanksgiving is still a month away. After I get past this week we can start picking up things and getting ready for Thanksgiving. I do love having friends and family over and visiting. Always promises to be a great time. Has anyone else started thinking about Thanksgiving?

My family has been working very hard to do our part at Judgement House. Judgement House is a church wide activity that we try to share the story of what it would be like to die without Christ. The rest of this week will be quite crazy and busy with all the goings on. What are you doing for Halloween? I am Christian but do still think we can have lots of fun from trick or treating to Halloween parties. We often find our selves defending our thoughts on Halloween but the truth is my grandmothers always had trick or treat candy for us but that did not mean they turned into witches for the day and were not as religious as they always were. Halloween is a grand way to show our light of Christs love toward others.

What are your random thoughts? Share them on The Un Mom


  1. Very nice read my friend :)

  2. Bravo! I've never seen anyone turned into a witch or the devil from trick or treating either!

  3. I'm a Christian, yet I still let my kids go trick-or-treating. They don't see the dark side of it. They enjoy dressing up and getting candy.
    I've heard of Judgement House. It's been in my area a couple of times at different churches. I've yet to see it, but definitely would like to.

  4. I know what you mean about Thanksgiving...let's do one holiday at a time...my MIL was making plans for Thanksgiving back in August & knowing her...she's probably done Christmas shopping :) I was raised Christian but never thought about Halloween as being bad til recently...I have heard other Christians say they dont promote it. My parents always treated it as a day of make believe, fun to dress up & get candy...a day for the kids...no mention of the devil at all :)


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