Monday, October 26, 2009

Princess and her haircut with a bit of chocolate thrown in for good measure

Princess got a new hair cut what do you think. She is also enjoying that chocolate sucker as well. Of course I had to buy it for her after all Princess is my only granddaughter and nana has to spoil her just a bit.

see more blue pictures at Smiling Sally


  1. You did the right thing. Nothing more precious than grand children, unless it is great grandchild. I love mine, spoil them, and take them home. She is an adorable child.

  2. What a pretty child she is. My mom was Nana to my children. Thanks for sharing, and Happy Blue Monday!

  3. What an angel. I think a touch of choclate does wonderful things to a girl's appearance :-). I hope you are having a great Blue Monday.

  4. She is just the cutest, and I think you did exactly the right thing... spoil away! :-)

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  5. What a cutie.

    But of course, that is a nana's job.


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