Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nine Not So Scary Halloween Movies

The letter of the week at ABC Wednesday is N and so I decided to share Nine Not SO Scary Halloween Movies
  1. Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (goes back to my own childhood)
  2. The Worst Witch
  3. Hocus Pocus (one of my familys all time favorites)
  4. Munstor Go Home
  5. Haloween Town (another one of our favorites)
  6. The Nightmare Before Christmas
  7. The Witches
  8. Pooh's Heffalump Halloween (for the littlest ones around)
  9. The Haunted Mansion (a movie I took the kids to watch at the movies when it first came out)

Dont forget my giveaway for the Not SO Scary Halloween package from you can make this


  1. I think even I could watch those movies without covering my eyes ;-)

  2. Never saw any. Except Charlie Brown, of COUSE!

  3. Oh dear - I don't know even one of those! With grandchildren growing older, I'll probably see most of them eventually.

    On behalf of the Team, thanks for posting this week.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post