Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Fave Five

Friday Fave 5 is hosted by the blog Susanne Living To Tell The Story

  1. loving the fall leaves
  2. love that tonight is senior night football game where my son and 15 other boys will be honored
  3. love the fact that this past weekend was totally grand and we had a great time with about 40 0ther members of the church
  4. there is going to be a huge garage sale at the minor league baseball field sounds promising . I love great garage sales hope I can find alot
  5. love the fact that i can now where my sweatsuits that I feel so comfortable in


  1. Glad you're enjoying the fall leaves. Our leaves still haven't turned colors much here. Have fun at Sr Football night. Looks like you've got quite a few interesting things lined up! I'm loving wearing sweatsuits again, too. Even this very moment.

  2. Great week my friend. Falling leaves mean raking more LOL. Have a great Friday :)

  3. I love fall leaves too.

    I always think it is neat when senior athletes are honored. At our school, the parent is honored with their child.

    Hope you get to make that pot of chili!

  4. I love the fall leaves, too. Sometimes I have to remind myself to keep my eyes on the road when I'm driving.

    Glad you had a great time with church folks!

    Hope you find lots at the garage sale.

  5. Falling leaves, fooball and a garage sale! Nothing can beat that!

  6. What a great weekend. Nothing like being with a part of the family of God!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. If only I could send you all the purple Welch's fruit snacks and you could save your red ones for me!! Blessings.

  7. I can only imagine the look of fall leaves - must be beautiful.
    And oh how I miss garage sales. I hope you found some great stuff.


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