Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Poem

Poem I found on a website today all I know is that it was authored by Kristy P I hope you enjoy as we always love the fall weather as a family and get out and about to enjoy the many family activities


Rustle, bustle the leaves are falling
Just around the bend winter is calling
But before that it's time for fall
It's a time when leaves change, on every tree small or tall
There is color on every tree
There is color as far as the eye can see
Some places there is color scattered here and there
Some places there is color scattered everywhere
There is color far and wide
There's no place to go fall cant hide
But the fall colors won't last
Because winters almost here and coming fast
Small World Saturday hosted by the blog Egypt Everlasting

1 comment:

  1. This is so perfect for this weeks theme. Well done my friend. Outstanding and I'm not one that really cares for poems, but this was good :) Aloha


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