Friday, October 9, 2009

Aloha Friday : Weekend Plans

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

This weekend I will accompany my children on a weekend long lock in at the church that goes by the name of Disciple Now. It allows our children the time to get together and have fun with other teens as well as provides classes where they will be able to learn lessons on how to share their faith with others. My eldest son is a large part of this and I will be there helping out as well. This weekend promises to be lots of fun.

Now for my Aloha Friday question:

What are your plans for this weekend?

play along Island Life


  1. The lock-in sounds fun; I wonder if my kids will do that when they get to be teens.

    For us, I have to work tomorrow, then I'll go with a friend to a dinner mystery shop before or after church. On Sunday, another mystery shop for lunch, and then my hubs and son are going to the pumpkin farm with his fellow Cub Scouts. And I have lots of cleaning to do, blech. :)

  2. we'll be watching sports...
    rockies have 2 play-off games and the broncos are undefeated thus far in the season.

    we also have a big church celebration/festival on sunday.

    hope you have a nice weekend.

  3. well, it was to go to the pumpkin patch....but it has rained and rained....would be too muddy! Now, I'm just hoping that I stay warm as it's unseasonably cold in TX!!

  4. I hope your childen will have a good time, MB


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