Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zoo Trip

My brother and sister in laws little ones pretty good looking family but quite a handful I am sure.

Here he is my brother and the kids

in front of the elephant the baby must have been asleep in this picture

Of course no trip to St. Louis complete without picture of the arch


  1. I love the St. Louis zoo. We see it whenever we visit.

  2. Excellent pictures my friend :)

  3. What a lovely family. I'm sure they had a terrific time. I hope you are having a great day.

  4. Looks like a fun outing! I haven't been to a zoo in many, many years, even though we've got the National Zoo and pandas and everything right nearby. Getting lazy in my old age, I guess! Have a great Wednesday (what's left of it)!

  5. Now that's a fun day at the zoo! Makes me miss the days when my kids were at home... thanks for sharing!

  6. What a beautiful outdoor post. It's been many years since I've seen the arch. The sad thing is, we don't live far and should make the trip, however with hubby's health that's out of the question. What a lovely family.. Thanks for swinging by and saying hello. I hope to see you again soon.. hugs ~lynne~


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