Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top Ten things to do in the fall

homecoming week and football game
fall festivals where we can buy lots of goodies


we live at the mouth of the shawnee forest and the garden of the gods beautiful in the fall

love all the fall baking that takes place

the leaves change such wonderful colors

halloween although not observed by all is such a great time for make believe

pick a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch

or apple picking

and best of all jumping in the leaves

Here are my top 10 things to do in the fall

what are your top 10 picks this week? Visit the blog oh Amanda


  1. Oh how I miss apple picking! Some of my fondest fall memories are of visiting an apple orchard in eastern PA (when we lived in Delaware in the early 1980s). We picked apples then sampled just about everything made from apples they had on hand - after the hayrides, of course!

  2. I have never picked apples before. I never thought about it because I live in the South and I just thought that was something you did in the colder states. Then I found out that there's an apple orchard not too far from me! YAY! I plan to drive over there in the next couple of weeks.

    I love fall!


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