Friday, September 11, 2009

Gap Outlet

Gap Outlet - Semi-Annual Baby Sale

TwitterMoms Exclusive: Gap Outlet Semi-Annual Baby Sale Savings!

As a mother of six children I learned one very important detail in the economics of family. A large family financial situation is often a tight situation. By learning the lesson of how to use money wisely is a very important task. One way I learned to use my money wise was to shop wisely for my childrens clothes. Now that I am a grandmother I am passing this same wisdom down to my daughter in hopes that she too will be able to use her money wisely while her daughter my little Princess wears the cutest styles available.

Here are a few of super important tips to use when shopping for childrens clothes

  • shop off season. At the end of every season stores will often place the latest styles on sale. I look for items that can be transfered into the next season. For example little tees that could be worn under winter shirts or sweaters. I have been lucky enough to find items as much as 75% off in the end of the season sales

  • I love to buy the brands that I trust and know will last. If I can find great savings on these brands even better. With raising six children it has helped to buy the better brands that will last through the wear of the first they were bought for as well as the sibling that comes after them

  • Look for great sales in the Sunday ads. These sales at back to school times, pre christmas sales, and start of summer sales as well as the normal sales can help you save those dollars as well.
I hope that these 3 tips will help you just a bit. As I leave I want to show you the super cute look of Gap Outlet.

The Gap Outlet has style to create outfits like these.

With style like this and the savings that Gap Outlet affords you how could you not get the little one in your life some super cute outfits?

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Also, it pays to put out a bit more for clothes that stand the test of kid-wearing. Gap is good quality!


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