Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments, where we gather up our bits and pieces from the week; those that weren't big enough for stand-alone posts but were too good to discard.

  • Homecoming parade was rained out yesterday so today we will have parade and football game all in same day. This day promises to be quite busy.
  • Judgement house set up at church has begun. I somehow have found myself on the receiving end of the advertising department. This is my first time so not for sure how it will all go. I do have a great leader though.
  • Granddaughter is coming to visit today. I am looking quite forward to this.

This week really has not had a lot in it. Have any thoughts of your own? Well share them at the blog Half-Past Kissin' Time.


  1. Yah for your granddaughter coming to visit. Have fun!

    Happy FF!

  2. What's judgment house? Is it something like a haunted house?

  3. I've never made it through a judgement house... afraid its going to freak me out!!! And I'm a Christian!!! Stuff like that freaks me out though!

  4. Having the parade and the football game on the same day DOES sound busy.

    What's a judgment house?

  5. Gotta love a quiet week. Glad you got to end it with your sweet granddaughter. Homecoming is always fun; ours is this week!

  6. I hope you had a great visit with "granddaughter".


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post