Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Universe try for 30 days free

One of the important fundamentals of not only education but life is to be able to read. Creative, interesting books that capture and hold a child's attention span is what every teacher and parent looks for. What if you could choose from several different books and be able to have these books at the tip of your finger? This is what the website Big Universe is making available to you and your child. With over 1000+ books available you are sure to find one that will fit your needs and your child's interest.

I love the fact that the Big Universe allows members to create books as well. Your book can be read by others as well. How fun it would be to create a book and share it on the Internet. This would be a fun home school project as well. Teachers, parents, children and authors can all enjoy the website Big Universe. One could read books, create books or share with others. With all this available who would not want to visit Big Universe.

Big universe originated because of the fact that while we live in a big universe the creator wanted to use children's books online to connect the next generation. Perhaps this could help individuals to look past the differences between our various cultures and instead focus on our similarities so that we may all come together to explore the big universe we all share.

Big Universe would love to allow all of Annie's Home readers the chance to test out Big Universe for free. Yes that's right for 30 days any of Annie's Home readers can take advantage of member benefits at Big Universe. All you have to do is:

1. Go to https://www.biguniverse.com/ account click on the "Free Account" option

2. After filling out a short form, you will be sent a confirmation email to activate your account

3. After activation sign in and go to the "My Account" section

4. When in your account, click on "Apply Promotional Code.” Enter: BUMOM09

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