Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday finds me with a full heart of love, faith, belief and a bit of fear. This week I have had my son visit the doctor for his heart and thus far there is no one that seems to know anything. This week also was one where I accompanied my son to where he will be living for at least the next 3 years. My son will be attending a Christian college away from home.

I am thankful for the prayer warriors that are there for my son. The love that he is being given along with a great Christian friend being his doctor. His doctor was smart enough to send him to a specialist. I am thankful for all the health care workers that helped us through a scary night over the weekend when my son had chest pains in his heart. I am also very thankful for the interest that is being expressed in the care of my child. But most of all I am thankful that the Lord up above holds the wisdom and that my son does not ask why me but only states God has a plan.

I am very thankful that my oldest son decided to attend a Christ based college. There has never been another time in my sons life where I have seen him so happy and embracing the Lord. He loves the school, his roommate, new girlfriend, and the fact that all are traveling along a path that is being directed in a Christian based manner. I am thankful that my son feels the Lords love so that he can embrace the gift that he is receiving

Because this tells of all that I have been doing as well I am posting on Friday Fragments as well on Friday's FreeWrite


  1. I hope the doctors can figure something out soon...

  2. Praying for your dear sons. May God continue to work His many mercies for your family and bless all of you as you trust in Him. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Take care and God bless, Nancie

  3. My thoughts are with you and your son and your entire family. I do hope they find something soon. It seems like it is an eternity before they do. Excellent Thankful list my friend :)

  4. Girl,

    Indeed, you have so very much to be thankful for. I long for the day when my child may attend a Christian college. Neat.

  5. You have so many wonderful things to be thankful for! ((HUGZ!))

    Happy FF! :)

  6. What a wonderful post. I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the doctors have answers as soon as possible.


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