Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sweet Desire Just a Closer Walk

With all that we have been facing daily I do not know where we would be without our dear Jesus walking with us and leading us through the path of life til one day we follow him home.

Want to find more great praise songs visit the blog Signs, Miracles and Wonders


  1. "Let me walk close to thee"...I haven't heard this song in awhile. Brings back good memories and thankfulness.

  2. A timeless song...I have always loved it...thanks for sharing it today!

  3. It's been a while since I last heard this song. But it's still the desire of my heart to have a closer walk with Jesus.

    BTW, I browsed through your little fill-ins and quick facts. Very cute, interesting and honest that!

  4. If I watched the food channel, I'll want to make everything that I see. :-)

  5. Thank God we have Jesus walking beside us in this world. A very pretty song ~

  6. Simply beautiful, great choice!


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