Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stella Blu Clothing review

Stella Blu Clothing
If you have visited my blog before then you know that I love cute tees and onesies for my grand daughter Princess. Well I found a new company and one that I am tremendously glad to share with you. The name of this company is Stella Blu Clothing. The super cute tees and onesies that Stella Blu has available for you are great. There is sure to be one to fit your personality as well as the little one it is meant for.

Stella Blu insists on the highest quality ensuring the most comfort and the best styles available. The wonderful tees and onesies are 100% cotton and are available to children up to size 6x. Stella Blu allows our children to receive same sort of choice that we were allowed when we were growing up. I can remember the freedom of being me at a younger age and then growing up to fit the norm. With the Stella Blu Clothing line our children will be able to be free to be their selves. Allowing them to fit clothes that they love and go with their personality we as parents also allow them to share their freedom of expression, foster their confidence, and allow our children the right to use their imagination and individuality. Stella Blu offers the rock look of yesterday. The fun spirited look of yesterday is what inspires Stella Blu. In fact the wonderful of Stella Blu tees and onesies will leave parents a bit jealous.

The style is only part of the greatness about Stella Blu. Another great fact about Stella Blu is the great material that they use. Bamboo is the main material that the Stella Blu tees and onesies are made of. Bamboo is safer for the environment and wonderfully soft as well. Bamboo fabric is very lightweight, softer than cotton and resembles silk or cashmere. Bamboo is also naturally wicking which allows the moisture to stay off of the little ones skin and cuts down on the odor as well.

Buy: you can buy a wonderful Stella Blu product at their website


  1. perfect gift items for babies! will check out - Chrismas is almost coming up! so many friends with babies!! thanks, annie!

  2. This is a great place to shope thank-you for the link.

  3. Thank you again for stopping by my site and leaving a comment on the sunrise through the screen door. It is a favorite of mine. I hope you will come often. I write to encourage MOMS in the fine art of Christian mothering. I write Bible studies for MOMS and teach weekly at my church. My boys are grown, married, and building their own household of faith.

    On Fridays I host 5 Things Friday. I have just started this meme and hope you will join me and add your list of 5 Things. This next week we will post 5 Things I Know for Sure. Stop by and play along. Blessings to you. Jean

  4. Oh they look adorable. I'm sure there's one I could find for Dear Bebe to wear. :9)


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