Saturday, August 8, 2009

Six word saturday

All that's necessary to participate is to post your own six words

My sentence this week is:

Ready to go back to school.

Play along at


  1. A lot of that "readiness" going around today!

    Not us - we still have about a month to go!

    Have a super day!

  2. mine is: Just one more for the road!

    anybody there who can teach me how to link mr. linky to my site? appreciate it greatly! have a blessed day, guys!!!

  3. I must admit, I'm quite ready for school as well.
    But as I said in my post, super scared. I won't really know anyone there because most of my friends are going to Roane State & I'm going to Chattanooga State.
    And I'm worried about my Godson.. he only comes to stay with me every few weeks, but I'm scared that I won't get as much "play" time with him =/ ahh.
    But thanks for the comment.

  4. I'm ready for the kids to go back to school. It will be oh so peaceful around here again!

  5. I'm not ready for school to start again at work...and I have until October lol

  6. Growing up, we always started the week before Labor Day. No idea about the kids near me now. Glad yo're ready! Thanks for playing.


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