Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Random Teusday Thoughts

With my teens being as old as they are I thought I would allow them the opportunity to have their money that they would spend. I believe in just a few years they will all be in college or working full time. They each received $100 to do as they needed for this month and that money was to buy their school supplies as well. Today was hillarious as they went to buy their own shoes. My son loves brands as he thinks the more you spend on an item the better it will be. Not always true and my girls believe that you need to get the most for your money. They all took quite a while choosing what pair of shoes they would buy for their selves. The girls deciding to work together on a deal at payless but the boy finding nearly a 1/2 price sale at Sear. Both in my opinion did well.

My mother went with us to the mall today. I miss her being around as much as she used to. We have had a battle my entire life of hitting heads but my kids think she is the best. I realized today that I miss her and wish she was around more often. I have always admired her thinking how primp she is talking and how she is so pretty. Today as we shopped for clothes for the girls I realized what I missed out on. She teased my girls on certian outfits but also has great taste. The older we get we realize we need our moms. The kids all went out of their way to make a great day for her. My mom is always there and my rebellious teen years did not stop her for loving me and for this I thank her.

The mall has some great sales going on. I was very impressed with the amount of sales I found. These include the great shoes I spoke of earlier as well as the wonderful sales on school clothes in stores such as Debs, fashion bug and others.

those are my random thoughts for today what are yours? Head over to the blog The Un Mom and read others as well as list your own.


  1. It's certainly true that we never appreciate our parents more than we do as adults. I feel sorry for mine and all that we put them through!

  2. That's sweet what you wrote bout your mom. Mine's been in the UK visiting family for the past couple of months and I've mised her a lot. Maybe I'll drag her to the mal with me when she gets back --l I've not been in forever!

    Happy RTT!!


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