Tuesday, August 18, 2009

News About Princess

Guess What Princess has started to stand up and walk around furniture. Yeah for her. I am so happy for her being able to do this. The one thing that she has also started doing is walking around carrying a pail. Many of her aunts and uncles did this as well. They loved to carry around a pail, bucket, basket anything they could put their toys in. So glad that Princess has started doing this one more great thing she follows the family on.
I posted this on the great meme heads or tails that I have not participated in for quite a while where the theme this week is pail or pale.


  1. hurrah for the princess! oh, swhe's so cute, ms. annie!!! hugs for both of you!!!

  2. Congrats...now the fun really begins :)

  3. the pail is maybe a stabilizer or a security cute sandy

  4. I'm thinking the pail gives her the chance to have her hands free and arms available for balance... she IS a cutie...


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