Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Win $250 in this wonderful contest from The Jewelry Art Designs

Promise Rings

Do you love jewelry would you love to win money to buy a great piece of jewelry for yourself? Well you know there is a great and easy way for you to earn $250 that you can spend on whatever you want including a great new piece of jewelry for yourself. Now you may be asking just how you can do this let me share with you about a contest that was just shared with me.

Jewelry Art Designs is holding a giveaway on their website that only has two (2) major rules.
  1. Place one of six fun loving buttons on your blog. Take a look at the great buttons and you can see just how wonderful they look. I mean they even point fun at your boyfriend that never seems to remember that girls love diamonds. After you place a button like this on your blog maybe he wont forget again

Promise Rings

2. Fill out a form with your name, address and blog or website if you have one. Easy enough

Let me tell you a bit about this wonderful company that is bringing this wonderful contest to you. The Jewelry Art Designs offers their customers beatiful jewelry such as authentic sterling silver jewelry as well as precious and semi precious gemstones. Oh so pretty. The Jewelry Art Designs pays attention to the popular fashion trends since they started selling their own in 1999. They pride theirselves on being committed to providing an excellent experience to the consumer. This privately ownded Australian company prides itself on the products that they sell that they stand by a strong returns and exchange policy.

Now that you know that you are entering to win $250.

Now that you know that there are two easy steps to enter this great contest.

Now that you know a bit about who is sponsoring this great contest.

You are ready to head over to the website located at www.jewelryartdesigns.com and enter this wonderful contest.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun giveaway! You know I have never made 3 bean salad. I've had it bunches but have never made it myself. I guess I need to add that to my bucket list.:)


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