Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekly Wrap up

This week was a bit boring but then after all we had so much going on for the past week it is always great to have a down time
Mainly putting the house back together after going to camp, having house guest and a wonderful independence day is where you would find us. It seemed as if there was no room that was messed up just a bit.
Sunday we did go see the fireworks that were not presented on the 4th due to rain. This was a fun trip one that we made with the youth group. Oh how fun, good eats, great fireworks and a wonderful time for all.
Monday was more football for the boys and us girls stayed up and toned up our kitchen skills. We have learned to make many different things including the frosted banana bars that are listed on this blog.
The rest of the week we spent time outside, took walks, visited the doctors office, did errands up town and just goofed off.
What did you do this week? Want to share or see what others did? Head over to the blog Weird, Unsocialized homeschoolers.

1 comment:

  1. I was kind of bored this week myself. I took that to mean that I should get busy planning for school...or do housework, but I don't want to do that! LOL

    Thanks for joining in the Wrap-Up this week!


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