Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday 7/23/2009

Thankful Thursday a meme where we share what God has done for us and we are so thankful for.
Victory In Jesus, that's right the song is in my head as well now. The host of this meme is the author of the spiritually Unequal Marriage blog. As she spoke of the songs that she sang as a child I too remember so many of them. In fact the other day in the middle of the kitchen I started singing the great old song he walks with me, and talks with me..... My kids may of thought I was strange had they not heard me blurt out songs like that a 1/2 million different times. I am so happy that my children also love the old hymns.
You know I am very thankful that we do have the opportunity to walk with our Lord through different lives and then to be able to talk with him through our prayers and praise. Oh this week has bee quite a roller coaster and right now I am on the top of the roll. I love second chances and the ability to forgive. I have had a tit for tat with my sister in law but now it seems to be over. I am happy as they have 3 of the loveliest children I have ever seen. I love those 3 with my whole heart. I am thankful that we can talk as friends once again choosing to forget our differences.
I am thankful for my oldest daughter and the love that she shows her own daughter. when Princess could not sleep she grew concerned and made a Dr's appt. The problem that Princess was having is that she is cutting more teeth. She will have a total of 4 when these come in however there may be more to come as they are appearing speedily. I am thankful that my daughter is a loving mother and that my granddaughter knows that she is loved by many surrounding her.
I am thankful that a little girl that I know Hal is not as hurt as she could have been. I do not know this little girl only her aunt through a social network. This little girl took a pretty good fall and came out if it no head trauma, stitches and glue which is not good but it could of been so much worse. I am thankful that Hal is doing better now.
What are you thankful for? Read what others are thankful for or share your own at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.


  1. Great thankful list. I'm amazed that I can always think of something to thank God for. Do you find it the same way? Have a great weekend.


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