Monday, July 20, 2009

Feet week on the I heart faces

Some of the many feet in my life and of those that I love

I posted these as part of the meme I heart faces located on the blog located here and the subject this week we were to capture was feet.
Because these pictures are all outside I am going to take the libirties and list for my outdoor wednesday post @ A Southern Daydreamer


  1. Oh honey!
    All the sweet faces and the precious feet. Isn't it amazing where their little feet take them once they find them? I loved this post. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. Beautiful pics. This is one of the reasons I love your blog. I have given you an award here:

  3. Wonderful pictures...sweet faces with the feet to match :)

  4. I see some precious babies! Happy Blue Monday.

  5. Great little feet. I love the little bare feet shots!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post