Friday, July 17, 2009

Fridays Fave 5

Friday's Fave Five is a meme hosted by Living To Tell The Story and is a place where we can list the top 5 events in our life.

1. This little one is learning to use certain words in just the right way. Those words would be (1) Nana, (2) Papa and (3) I love you. Oh who can say no when you hear those words? I get to see her this weekend and her momma says she is crawling everywhere. Oh My cant wait.

2. Son has papers all in for college and all is looking good there. This is a blessing to me since he did some of the footwork I am thankful that at times he has the responsibility we raised him to have.

3. Face book oh the friends old and new that I continue to make are wonderful. I love to catch up and have fun with them.

4. My husband who takes care of me whenever I need him to. I often like to stand on my own but there are those times that I just want him to take control and he does no questions asked.

5. The weather would be last top 5 because it has been really nice lately. I have been able to get out and walk as well as do other things.

List your top 5 and read others at the blog Living to Tell the Story


  1. No doubt - the weather is great here as well! And love to see the photo of your little one.

  2. She is so cute. This was a great list. Have a great weekend :)

  3. What a cute little girlie!

    It's neat to see our kids taking those grown-up steps, isn't it?

  4. Oh your little granddaughter? is so darn cute!! Just precious. It's great when our kids show responsibility! have a nice weekend...

  5. All of your faves are so good this week-- grandbaby, responsible son, helpful husband. Have another great week!

  6. I would not be able to say "no" when those sweet words were coming from someone as cute as that either. She's so adorable!

    Glad that everything is coming together for your son going to college. Such a big step for them and for us Moms to let go!

  7. Great list - your granddaughter is adorable!


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