Monday, July 20, 2009

At the well: morality

This week the meme At the Well is discussing what sounds like morality in our men and how to protect our young women. (or at least that is how I look at it as a mother of teen agers)

•In what ways can you help the men in your life fight this battle?
•Find at least one other scripture to meditate on that will aid you in this fight.
•Talk openly and honestly with your husband and children about these struggles. Shine the light on this dark place. Let them know that you are there to fight with them.

My young men have been taught to respect their sisters, their female friends and the girls and women they meet in every day life. They do not look at women the same as their friends do. My middle son has even told his friends that he will not listen to them talk to women as they do or listen to what they say about girls. He protects his friends that are girl he has even protected their honor by fighting another boy who was trying to disrespect a young girl that my son knew. This is not to brag this is just to say that I believe I have raised my girls right. I have talked to them about the awful names that girls are sometimes called and they understand that women should not be talked to in such a manner.

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:3

The verse to me helps young men to understand that if christ is their leader and Jesus loves and treats him in a respectful manner then he should in return treat his wife and women in such a respect.

Want to add to this subject? Head over to the blog At the Well

Please leave comments if you have any advice for me on how you instruct your young men to respect women.

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