Monday, July 27, 2009

At the Well : Family Visions

This is a weekly meme where Christian women can get together and share their thoughts on a variety of subjects. This week the subject is family vision. The three questions that were asked to be evaluated are:
Do you have a family vision?
Why does having a family vision matter?
If you have not considered having a family vision, what are some steps you can take towards it?
I must say that my family is in the teen years and that a family vision in our family has changed over the years. When our children were little we would do family devotion nightly and they were yet a bit young to do quiet time by their selves. Prayers were said as a family and individually. Now with the children getting older we do have a weekly devotional night and quiet time is either by their selves or with a partner. My children openly discuss their walk with Jesus with me but they may keep back a bit and that is what I accept as their private time. Family prayer is nightly and I know that my children have learned that they can pray about all things great and small.
I believe that a family vision is important for both their Christian growth but also for their personal growth and future. My children all have goals of what they want to do or be in their future. I love the fact that each of them have chosen jobs to help others. I believe this is because of family vision.
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