Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordfilled Wednesday

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Oh is not so great to know that he is waiting on the other side of the door. Praise the Lord that we have the hope of one day living with him forever. We had a young lady that went to our church to die this past week. You see she had a knee surgery and a few days later a blood clot ran to her heart and killed her. Oh but we know that one day we will see this young lady again. What a shame to live just a few years on this wonderful world but oh how delightful to know that she will live forever with our Lord

for more Wordfilled Wednesday visit the blog Extravagant Grace


  1. Oh, what a sad story about the young girl from her church. I'm sure her family is terribly grieving the lost, even if they know the promises of eternal life.

    Thanks you for your participation in WFW!

  2. Like your WFW... the scroll is great! Sorry too for your loss but joyful that she's with our Lord! Lifting you all up in prayer, hang in there.
    ~Hugs, HL


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