Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tip: quick slice of those little tomatoes

This is a little tip that I learned by watching T.V. Yes you can learn things when you watch t.v. Actually I was watching Rachael Ray. I learned a lesson on how to slice those little cherry or grape tomatoes. The tip is to line them all up on a deli container lid (you could also use cottage cheese lid) no crowding. Then top with a second lid of same size. Now the trick is to slice through the tomatoes while slightly pressing on the top lid to keep in place. One swift move and they are all sliced. now what do you think of that. I personally thought it was great

I listed this at the blog


  1. that is such a good idea! I'll have to remember that for the next time I need to cut small things

  2. i love clever things like this... thanks


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