Saturday, June 13, 2009

Snack and Play Tray by Starkids

As many of you know my grand baby travels quite a little bit with her parents. This often makes her a fussy little baby since sitting for so long does not allow her to play or to share a snack. These problems are resolved with the ease of the Snack and Play Tray by Starkids. How wonderful for her it is to be able to have a snack on her little crackers without having to worry about not dropping them or to have all of her toys close by without worrying about them rolling away. I must say thank you StarKids for allowing my granddaughter to be able to enjoy her journeys as much as her mom and dad do.

Upon arrival of the product I thought this is so cool the rim of the tray allows for no bend without hard pressure. Perfect for what my grand baby needs to hold on so that they toys do not easily fall off and the snacks do not roll off. The snack and play tray by starkids is the perfect fit for her car seat as it surrounds the car seat forming sort of a desk. She did not seem to mind it and I believe rather liked it. The ease is also for the parents as there is no work in getting the tray to go on or take off. The day that we tried the Snack and Play Tray we were in and out of the car allot and it was no problem with the tray. We did learn that all though there are clip closures on both sides if we undid just the one by the door and swing it over to the seat area then undid the strap for the car seat we could easily place her back in the same way. Another great reason that I loved the Snack and Play Tray by Starkids was because it was cleanable simply with a mild soap and water. Great for a toddler on the go. We were not able to try it on her stroller since we used the umbrella stroller but I can see the great ease of use it would be with the great side pockets that could carry needed items such as juice cup or bottle, keys for mom or dad as well as any needed toys, or other supplies. Yes to me the Snack and Play tray by Starkids is a very worthwhile product.

visit this link to see where you can buy a Snack and Play Tray by Starkids for your little one.

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