Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Skyoozme giveaway

Skyoozmee the name of one of the greatest products for babies and those that care for them of all time. The Skyoozmee is the first ever burp cloth that covers more than the shoulder. The skyoozme covers the front back and both shoulders.

Nearly every baby will spit up in their early years of life. We all know that drooling is a great way of knowing when the little one begins to cut teeth so it only makes sense that the skyoozmee would be the perfect baby or shower gift of all times.

Skyoozmee would like to announce that you can now find them on facebook. Is that not completely wonderful. A new way to follow the skyoozmee product and find out all there is to find out about it.
Win: If you sign up to follow Skyoozmee on facebook and let me know what your facebook name is you will be entered into a contest to win a great monkey print skyoozme
Additional entry for each person that you get to sign up to follow Skyoozme and leaves me a comment letting me know their facebook ID
that will be the only 2 entries into this contest which will run through June 12, 2009. Open to everyone who has a facebook ID. Email must be located either on blog or in comment

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