Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday 9

1. What was your favorite active game as a child?

four square but also played softball and basketball

2. What was your favorite board game as a child?

Uncle wiggleys corner was a game my mom loved to play my dad would play games all the time with us it was so fun

3. Tell us about a friend you played these games with in your youth.

my cousin Jim who later became a black jack dealer in Las Vegas

4. What is your favorite card game?


5. What board games do you enjoy now?

whats a gal to do is a good one but we have over 20 games that we play all the time

6. Do you play video games? Which ones?

yes did since they came out and still do oh the old ones like donkey kong, pacman and now the newer sports games are among my favorites

7. Tell us about the friends you play games with now.

family mainly

8. Do you play any sports now?

not really coached a bit here and there for church groups etc...

9. What’s your favorite sport to watch?

not big on sports but would say basketball or in real life football when my son is playing

want to play along go here


  1. I can't believe we BOTH said Uncle Wiggly! That's FUNNY! Not many remember that game!

    We were a real game family when my kids were growing up -- it's a bit harder to get everyone together to play now-a-days! We DO still enjoy them though!

  2. I forgot all about four square till I read your response. That was a great game! Happy Saturday...

  3. Love those old games! They are so fun! We have the pacman plug-in!

  4. 4 square is actually making a come back. Who knew?

  5. I remember playing 4 square on the playground. Have a great Saturday :)

  6. I had forgotten all about Four Square. I remember how fun that was. Canasta sure is a popular answer. Great list. Aloha :)

  7. i never really got 4 square... still don't...

  8. I liked 4 square too!
    Great post!!

    I am trying to get the word out about the Monday crazy question 8 that I am starting todaY
    I would love to have you and your readers to join in!!! The meme is here

    hope you'll join us!


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