Monday, June 8, 2009

Gathering At The Well

Today at gathering at the well the topic of discussion has to do with being over looked. I agree that this sometimes happen. As we sit in the back and try to look proper the problem arises when because we are not as outspoken someone overlooks us. I recently had a discussion with my daughter who believed that she was being overlooked by members of her church. As we talked I could think of reasons why she was not being asked to do many things (1) she has a young baby who is 9 months old and is a handful (2) she has been having some health problems. So yes there are reasons that she may of been overlooked. I suggested that she ask others when needs arise so that they will know that she wants to take part and then they will know that she can be asked. At least this was my idea anyone with any useful idea please chirp in I would love to hear others opinions

To participate in Gathering At the Well visit here


  1. Being open is so important! Instead of sulking in our negativity, we should find the solution!

    Thanks so much for sharing today!


  2. I agree with your advice. People are probably looking at all your daughter has on her plate and they don't want to be another burden. However, if she lets the word get out that she wants to be involved and that she would enjoy that, people won't feel bad if they ask her to participate.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post