Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday's Fave Five June 19, 2009

This week was quite busy.

  1. my daughter registered and has all ready to head off to college. Man time flys by and now my third child will start college

2. My son is heading off to a University after completing a year at the local junior college. He will be moving into the dorms in August

3. My youngest son started football camp and I will have lots of pictures of him doing this since it is his senior year

4. We packed to go away to church camp this week some of them are real excited and others are semi-excited. My prayer is that we will receive a blessing from this camp

5. We were all terribly excited when we received the prizes we won (1) kernal seasoning popcorn and seasoning and (2) cuff links for my son in law he will love these

Place your top 5 on the list or read others at the blog Living to Tell the Story


  1. Yay, for your girl! What an exciting time. Church camps are always fun and a wonderful time of learning too!

  2. You have definitely had a busy week. Lots of college learning in your household!

    I join you in praying for blessings at camp this week. My own daughter left for church camp this morning.

  3. Great list, Annie! Just about any meat you take out of the oven or off the grill should stand for a little while - they'll be much juicier that way.

    Have a wonderful time at camp.

  4. Great list. How proud of all your kids you must be. I'm sure you excited for camp. Happy FFF

  5. Registering for college is so exciting!

    I am a tad envious that y'all are going to church camp. I love to go but never can make it work.

  6. What a season of change for your family! It's both exciting and bittersweet when our kids reach these next phases in their lives.

  7. You must be very proud of all your children. I love to hear when students are continuing and finishing their educations.

    Enjoy camp!


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