Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To Do Tuesday

This week will be so busy as the other weeks have been as well. So I joined the To DO Tuesday meme located at Crazy Adventures in Parenting.

Tuesday: (today) I need to make a few phone calls including

  1. the youth pastor to find out what I am to bring Sunday to church

  2. the youth pastor to find out what he needs done for Wednesday carnival

laundry again (there is always laundry)

straighten the house

deep clean the kids bedrooms

shopping trip with sister in law or mother whoever goes this time


the church is having a carnival of sorts so I will spend allot of time there

need to go to bank and withdraw some money


daughter needs to be at school early for her senior trip I hope she has a great time

deep clean kitchen and bath area


not allot going on this day just normal cooking and cleaning


need to get good clothes pressed tomorrow at church big day


graduate Sunday and dinner kids will work youth fundraiser. My mother will be attending church this day with me as well


last week of school I am sure it will be quite emotional for my daughter

What are you doing this week? List them or read others at the blog Crazy Adventures in Parenting as well as Work on it Wednesday @ Organizing with Sandy


  1. Gonna be busy one for ya :)

  2. Sounds like a busy week planned! I am afraid to list things by day b/c I'll be mad at myself if I don't keep up with them. :)

  3. Good luck on the list....the nice weather makes me want to skip out on my priorities!

  4. Thanks for commenting on my Nana's Wacy cake - let me know how you like the cake and peanut butter icing combo. I just LOVE peanut butter and chocolate together!

    Wow sounds like you will be busy this week! I have 2 community chorus concerts to sing in(friday night and sunday afternoon), plus 2 three hour rehearsals prior to the concerts (Monday and tuesday from 7-10pm) plus church choir practice thursday evening...and I'm babysitting a friend's 5 year old and 6 week old so she can go see a movie while her husband is deployed to Iraq. Plus I have to do the normal laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc!

    Hope you have a good time at the church carnival tomorrow :-)

  5. Hey... another mom of 6! Great to meetcha... looks like we are all very busy!

  6. Thanks for joining my Work on it Wednesday. Looks like you have a good plan going. Yeah!! You may want to try and grab the Work on it Wed. button from my right sidebar...the size might work better. Not sure why it came out so big on your site, the one I use on my post I do as a medium size...maybe that is why. Thanks!

  7. How'd you do on this FABULOUS list this week? Ready for another? :)


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post