Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tips To Choosing the Right College

Thus far life and college decisions have been easy to come by. All 3 of the ones that have went to college or will attend college have attended the same college. The junior college right outside of town. This has worked out great. My son will be transfering to another great college to finish up his education at a University. We had to look at many different things when decided what college or university they would attend. While my daughter will attend a year at the same junior college she will begin her search for what college to finish up her education up at.

Some things you will want to look at when deciding are:

  • What do you want to study or if you do not know this what course work would you want to study

  • Consider the size of the school, educational background, religious affiliation or not

  • Consider the financial aspects of the cost of classes, living in dorms or not etc...

  • What sort of financial aid is available to you if it is needed and what sort of repayment will it require

We have answered these as of now but things change. My son desires to be a teacher and my daughter to help others through social work. Religious affiliation is important to both of them so we have a few different colleges in mind. My son will be attendinga Christian college in a mid size town. Son will live in dorm and I am not sure about our daughter yet she will live at home for a year while attending the juniour college and then after that will depend on where she will be at. We are checking all options for financial aid.

THis is being listed at Talk about Tuesday @ the blog The Lazy Organizer and

Random Thought Tuesday @ Momspective


  1. Great advice. Imam sure you are do proud of your kids. It's a big a tough decision on the whole family :). Aloha

  2. We just went through this also. I was lucky. My daughter looked at five schools, and knew after the first one that it was where she wanted to go. She only applied to three of them, got accepted to all three and chose the first one she looked at. The scholarship they offered was not as much as one of the other schools, but I did think it was a better fit for her (size, location and campus life). A great site to use as research is www.collegeboard.com. You'll find just about everything you want to know about any college.

    I can't imagine having three kids in college all at once. We have two kids...eight consecutive years of college (and bills!).

  3. This summer is the best time to join educational programs that will teach in keeping Kids Safe without Fear.


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