Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday hits this time following a graduation of my daughter and before the week of promotion in Sunday School. Let me share with you how wonderful it is to teach first graders about the Lord. I love children, perhaps that is why we have so many children LOL. I love to teach children about the Lord and stories of the bible. Each year I work at bible school and during the year I also teach first grade children Sunday School. These young children are mailable with an open mind and heart. The perfect time to share with them all about the stories of the bible. I felt led to this after sitting in church many years and hearing that they needed a teacher but there was no one available to do this. I then prayed about it and waited for an answer. Finally I believe I received the answer that I should take this position. I am entering into my third year of teaching first grade Sunday School. I see no end in site and will continue to teach until I can no longer do that or the Lord seems to say that is enough now let someone else lead. I am just so thankful that I was given the opportunity to not only teach my children about the bible but that I have the opportunity to teach other children the stories of Jesus as well.

But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14)


  1. May God bless you sweetly as you teach His precious ones.

  2. As one who cares for wee ones on a daily basis (run a home daycare), I completely understood and could relate to this post. On Monday a mother said to me,,'my daughter was say,,'oh Lord, oh Lord'.' Her little girl was talking to Jesus, imitating what she has seen and heard me do for the past year she has been with me...

  3. Oh man, I absolutely LOVED being the Sunday School teacher for my 6 year olds. Their little personalities were hilarious! Sadly, I moved :( Miss them so much!
    Good for you for keeping it up so you can help them grow and learn :)

  4. And with a person such as yourself those little ones will get a great education

  5. Shopannies,

    Your post is sweet and filled with love you are living out through your obedience. Who knows what lives you will impact. neat..

    I am just getting around to my TT visits. Thanks for joining in and see you again this week at Lauries... Hugs.


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