Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mouthwash replaces bug spray

My Works For Me Wednesday is actually a tip that my daughter shared with me. She received a small book and from that book has found many great tips for daily living.

today's tip is to use mouthwash instead of bug spray. Has been proven to work and is very useful and easier and sometimes cheaper than the bug spray. I can not stand the smell of bug spray but you can often get a refreshing smelling mouthwash.

Want to share your tip or read others? Head over to the blog We Are That Family

I also listed this at Thrifty Thursday at Tales from bloggeritaville also listed on the blog Life As Mom for Friday Frugal Tips


  1. That is awesome! I'm trying it ASAP. We have woods in the backyard, and I don't love spraying poisoin on my kiddos when they go outside.



  2. Great tip! I have also heard (don't know if it really works) that if you put a bounce fabric sheet in your belt loop it will keep the bugs away.

  3. I've never tried it and will! I have plenty of that! Also--try vanilla great!

  4. Never heard of this...I'll have to give it a try.

  5. That is the coolest tip. I wonder does it work for every kind of mouthwash....hmmmm

  6. I heard about using Listerine just recently and haven't tried it. I'm in FL so I can put this to the test! Found you over at WFMW

  7. Oh my does this really work? I can't wait to try!

  8. you just spray on the cheapest mouthwash you can find ?

  9. I had no idea! I am going to try it! Yes, I'd much rather smell like mouthwash than bug spray!!

  10. Very good and intersting tip. My only question, does it leave a sticky residue? If not, that is a wonderful tip , yes the smell would be much better. My kids are covered in mosquito bites so will try it.Thanks for dropping by Bloggeritaville. I appreciate you participating in Thrifty Thursday.

  11. Very good thrifty tip!! I can't stand bug spray smell either-- hurts my lungs. Will have to give the mouthwash a try.

  12. If this works, it's brilliant. Mouthwash smells way better than bug spray! But I guess the bugs don't agree.
    Lucky for us.

  13. That is quite a tip. I'm envisioning my hubs' expression when I tell him that. Worth a try, though. Thanks for sharing.

  14. That is the weirdest thing I have heard all week, but you know I'm gonna try it!



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