Monday, May 11, 2009

Make Do Monday

The meme make do monday allows us to share ways that we are making do:

Laundry Room:

I have been known to use shampoo and dish washing liquid to wash laundry. In addition conditioner makes a great fabric softner. Perhaps this is not the best way to do laundry but it is a cheap alternative if you run out.

I believe that I am going to like this new meme that I just found and you may to it is located at Annkroeker


  1. Excellent to know! I wouldn't have thought of the fabric softener/conditioner idea at all. You are one clever make-do girl!

  2. Oh, conditioner as a fabric softener is a good idea! I like that :)

  3. Since I do maost of the laundry in the house this is good to know. Although I am so anal we never run out of detergent. LOL.

  4. This is a great idea. Shampoo works really well. I used to take Prell shampoo and spot clean with it. It was good for 'ring-around-the-collar' too.

    I sold Avon for a while and one of the many uses for Bubble Bath was Laundry Soap. So since I have a ton of Bubble Bath of various scents, we have lots of different smelling laundry!

    My favorite scent is a coconut one that smells like a pina-colada. I love it in the bath as well as in the laundry!

    Thanks for sharing.


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