Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am so thankful that the day that this little lady graduated highschool. Oh my the troubles we have seen. She was maybe one of the biggest rebel in school in her middle school years and then settled down in highschool. Now I know that she wishes she had some of those days back but I just want to say Yeah!!!!!! I am so thankful that she is out of highschool.

For more gratituesday visit the blog Heavenly Homemaker

If you want to see some more more wordful post visit the blog Seven Clown Circus
for thousand word thursdays check out the blog Cheaper than Therapy


  1. Congratulations to your daughter! What a wonderful accomplishment and she should be proud!

  2. congrats! glad she got it all out of her system before hs tho.

  3. Congratulations to your Daughter!

  4. Congratulation it's a very special day.

  5. Congratulation! I know she was excited! TFS
    Great picture!


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