Monday, May 18, 2009

Feeling very special because of blog awards

I am feeling very special because I have been awarded several blog awards over the weekend.

First I was tagged by Janet from GAhome2mom for the meme 6 unimportant things that make me happy. Please play Janets blog a visit as I am sure you will love it. Janet has been a dear blog friend for quite a while

The way it works is easy, I mention the person who tagged me, list 6 unimportant things that make me happy, then tag 6 more lucky bloggers.

6 unimportant things that make me happy:

  1. a good blood sugar in the morning

  2. taking my dog for a walk in the early morning

  3. a good cup of coffee

  4. receiving great comments on my blog

  5. winning a great contest many prizes go to my children/grandchildren

  6. a soft rain on a tin roof

The bloggers I am taging for this are: (these are the blogs which seem to love doing memes as much as I do)

  1. Thom @ Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever

  2. Harriet @ I Am Harriet

  3. Stacie @ Mommas Gone Over The Wall

  4. Susanne @ Living to tell the story

  5. Joanne @ Barely Domestic Mama

  6. Pam @ Mom's Mutterings

Then I was awarded twice by two great blog friends Deb from Debshere and from the blog Always a Southern Girl. If you have never visited these blogs hop on it right away as they are both great places to visit.

Here are the rules for this terrific award!

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Please visit the blogs that I listed to see how nice they really are


  1. Yeahhh! You're such a sweetie pie! Thank you so much for this award! ((Hugs))

  2. I just think you ROCK!!
    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Thank you for the "One lovely blog" award. I don't know everyone who reads my blog so it's always nice to have someone validate all the hard work.
    Thanks again. Farmlady

  4. Thanks for thinking of me for this award! I've already received it twice, so I'm out of people to give it to, but I'll definitely do a thank-you post to mention that you tagged me!

  5. Than you so much for the award..and the sweet comments you left. It sure makes me happy to know that someone kinda likes my blog. Hugs... :)

  6. Thank you so much for the award. I'm very honored that you like my blog.

  7. Congrats on your award! And thanks for passing it along. You're absolutely, positively LOVELY!

  8. WOOT...thanks so much. I will get this posted soon. I really appreciate it and Congrats to you on your award :) Aloha

  9. Thank you so much for my award! I will try to post this on my blog this week :)

  10. Congrats on your awards! I think they are very well deserved. Thank you for tagging Thom. He just passed this tag to me and I love doing them :).

  11. Thank you so very much for my "One Lovely Blog Award." It is my first award. It makes me happy to know that my blog is enjoyed by others.
    I am new to linking so it took me awhile but I finally finished yesterday.

    I hope you will visit my blog often as I am sure I will yours.



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