Monday, May 25, 2009

Angie's Kettle Corn Review

I have been a long time lover of popcorn for many years. I would say reaching back to my preschool years. My mother loved to snack on popcorn and I believe that I got the love for popcorn from her. When I was pregnant I would often consider popcorn a vegetable (LOL) that would be part of a complete diet. Now kettle corn on the other hand is a snack that has an incredible delicious taste. However, until recently you had to attend a festival of some sort to find the delicious kettle corn. Then they came out with microwave popcorn where you could create kettle corn at home. But what about the times you do not have a microwave in reach or when you are traveling? Well now there is Angie's Kettle Corn.

Upon arrival the first thing that my family got a kick out of was the fact that it was called Angie's Kettle Corn. Yes that is my first name, no they did not name it that because of my love for kettle corn. We needed to taste the popcorn immediately of course. The bag stated you could eat it right out of the bag, I thought great we are making this the official travel food for car trips. It is also suggested on the bag that Angie's Kettle Corn taste great slightly warmed in the microwave. Well of course we had to heat it up and try it warm as well. Guess what MMMM MMMM Good. Both ways you eat Angie's Kettle Corn warm or fresh out of the bag it is truly delicious.

Guess what I was right about popcorn being good for you and Angie's Kettle Corn is good for you as well. Primarily Angie's Kettle Corn begins with Delicious nutritious ingredients that are top quality ingredients. Some other great reasons that Angie's Kettle Corn is great for you include:

On top of all those great reasons dieters this snack is for us we can have 2 full cups for 140 calories not bad for a delicious good for you snack. Angie's Kettle Corn stand by their product offering a money back guarantee if not totally pleased with the way your product arrives.

Next time you are thinking of having a delicious snack remember Angie's Kettle Corn

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