Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ABC wednesday

Today the letter of the day is the letter P. I would love to share my mothers favorite flower with you the Pansy. I can remember this is one of my mothers favorite flowers and since mothers day is approaching fast thougth I would share a pansy with you. My older sister who is 4 years older than me used to buy baskets of pansies for my mom on mothers day.

want to play along go here


  1. Great photo! I love pansies too...too bad I was not given my father's green thumb.

  2. Excellent picture. I haven't seen a Pansy in so long. Wonderful.

  3. Pansy have such wonderful bright colors, don't they?

  4. Thanks for stopping by my daybook this week!

    Mmmm, I love pansies, too! They are such happy looking flowers :-)

    Tammy ~@~

  5. That is a really gorgeous flower! Love the colors.....

  6. What a beautiful pansy! Pansy is translated to pensée in French and means to think! We give people pansies as gifts to signify that we are thinking of them:)

  7. Wow, I'm not sure I've ever seen a pansy quite that red!!


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