Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

These are my girls. I miss them very much this week. These girls have been my best friends even though they are my daughters. Oh the fun we have shared and stories we could tell you. Both my girls are very precious to me. The one in the gray is graduating from high school this year and will begin a life toward a goal of her own. The other is all ready a mommy and wife. She fills both jobs very well. I will move up close to my oldest daughter and baby sit my granddaughter next year after my son graduates from high school .She can then go back to school and I will have 5 in college at that time. Oh how motherhood hits me funny, proud and at the same time changes my pace daily

for more wordful Wednesday visit SevEn cLoWn CirCuS here


  1. Wow 5 in college that is amazing and such a wonderful accomplishment! You're a wonderful mom and grandmother to move closer to help out. I wish I had that! You're amazing ;)

  2. How wonderful that you've raised such successful children. It must be hard to let them go. Sweet that you'll be able to be close to the grandbabies!

  3. i can't even imagine a time when my girls leave home. i feel for you!

  4. I'm with Sue. I can't imagine the time when all of my kids are in college or married. What a wonderful post!


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