Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday 13

since Megan one of the gals from Thursday 13 was married last week we know that love is in the air so I want to list 13 phrases of love
  1. A face that only a mother could love
  2. A love-hate relationship
  3. All's fair in love and war
  4. You only hurt the one you love
  5. The course of true love never did run smooth
  6. Puppy love
  7. Make love not war
  8. Love of money is the root of all evil
  9. Love potion number nine
  10. Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage
  11. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
  12. Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it
  13. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

For more Thursday 13 list or to list your own visit here


  1. #1 reminds me of the old joke, "you were so ugly when you were born the doctor slapped your mother instead of your butt!" hehehe

    Thanks for stopping by my TT on 13 Things I Did As A Kid that Kids Don't Do Anymore.

  2. Great list - I think I've heard of all of these!

  3. Umm concerning #12 what is an educated flea? :)

  4. Now I'm going to have "Let's fall in love" going through my head all night! Good list!

    And thanks for stoppping by!

  5. Good list. #12 on your list reminded me that I have the Joan Jett/Paul Westerberg version of "Let's Do It, Let's Fall In Love" somewhere.


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