Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday April 23, 2009

Today I come with a grateful heart after just reading a friends blog and noticing that I need to be thankful for all things that happen in my life. We know that for one reason or another that things happen for a reason. Perhaps we leave house a few minutes late and we are upset but then we learn that we avoided an accident because we were running late. That lateness was meant to happen to keep us out of danger. God has made provisions both while we live on earth and after we leave here and go home with him. He is our protector and our provider and we should be thankful through all paths of life. Perhaps the world would be happier if all lived by this philosophy.

Here is a short list of what I am thankful for:

  • I am thankful for the many gracious friends that I have at church. How wonderful to belong to a family of believers and be able to fellowship.

  • I am thankful that my brother in law met a wonderful gal who he will marry in just a few weeks on May 8, 2009

  • I am thankful that I was able to be in my children's life so much that they are not embarrassed by their parents. Many teens do not like to be seen with their mother my teens include me knowing that yes I will still act as their parent and let them know in front of their friends what I think

  • I am thankful that my son is taking a stand in church that allows him to participate and grow in faith. He is taking more of an adult like atmosphere in the church participating in leading the younger ones

These are just a few of the things that I am thankful this wonderful day what are you thankful for? To participate or to see what others have on their thankful list visit the Women Taking A Stand blog here


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog!

    You're so right that we need to be thankful for all things that happen in life. Even if things seem negative to us, they are part of God's plan.

  2. Having your son grow into leadership positions will make his future wife very grateful as well. I enjoyed reading your list of thanks.

  3. Great list of thankfuls! Having a church family is so important, and it's great to see that your son is serving the church also.

    God bless you!

  4. Precious blessings...I know you love seeing your son serving in the church! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  5. Your Thursday 13 was fun and I enjoyed reading your list of thanks!
    I appreciate you stopping by!

  6. I love your grateful heart. May your TT be blessed with great things! Happy TT! -Laurie

  7. Enjoyed the wedding photos and your TT post. Have a great TT.

  8. great list of thankfuls. love the wedding photos. blessings to you dear.

  9. Awesome post. It is amazing what a few minutes make.

  10. thanks for the comments and visiting my site...

    I enjoy reading your Thankful list..


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