Saturday, April 18, 2009

Small Talk SIx

Small Talk Six is a meme where fellow blogger come together over at and answer fun questions to see what is on each others minds or to see what others think. Today's questions is: 6 animals (domestic, wild, or exotic) you think would be fun to own as pets.”

Those are the top 6 that came to my mind now what 6 pets are you thinking of? Want to join in or see what others are thinking? Head over to MomDot where you can find more fun and the Small Talk Six


  1. I would love to have a huge aquarium to hold tons of fish.

  2. We have a turtle, and I was surprised to find out how much personality they have. Great list!

  3. That puppy is so cute. I would sneeze my head off though. I hate allergies. :)


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post